Saturday, May 22, 2010

i put pretties on my face

ive been pretty busy with my lil angel, but i still try to find time to break out my brushes and paint my face up.  i dont want my skills to get rusty while im on leave, ive even had some clients come to my house to get makeovers. so i wanted to share some recent looks:

this was my mothers day loook, something soft and pink for my special day!
this was the look i did for skylars newborn photoshoot, this is after the shoot, relaxing with baby

this was a fun look i did for a mommies lunch date with my girl shanna, i threw in a pop of blue liner on the bottom lash line with shades of purple on the lid, paired with a coral blush and a nude gloss.

margie came by the house to have her prom makeup done.  classic smokey eye with a shimmery teal liner smudged along the bottom. she was such a pretty pallete to work on!

i hope you enjoyed the pics!  stay f!erce mamas!

kick those baby blues!

after giving birth most  first timers think they will immeadatly go back to their pre-preggo size, mmm not so much.  the uterus is still swollen and you kinda look like you did when you were 5 months pregnant, it can be a downer.  pair that with all the crazy horemonal changes, getting used to baby, dealing with no sleep and youve got the ingrediants for baby blues.  well before it turns into post pardum depression i have a few tips to help you feel better:
  • because your body may not be back to what you would want it to be, go buy yourself  a sexy pair of shoes.  the dressing room may still be a bit scary but if your feet have lost the swollen flintstone look putting on a fabolous pair of pumps can make you feel so hot!  and who cares if you dont have an outfit to wear them with, or any place to wear them, just put em on and feel sexy as you wash spit up off your blouse.
  • now that you can see and reach your toes, paint them red or hot pink or some other fun color.  it wont take long, you can do it while baby naps but something so simple as painted tooties can really lift your spirits.
  • have daddy, grandma or some other trusted family member or friend come over to watch the little one while you light some candles and soak in a bubble bath.  play some music, do a deep conditioning treatment to your hair and a mud masque for your face. just relax, baby is fine and momma needs an hour of self pampering and a warm bubble bath can do just that.
  • try to have a date night with your hunny, set up a sitter and get dressed up and have your man wine and dine you and have some much needed adult conversation.
  • if the weather is good take your lil munchkin out in the stroller and walk around the block, light exercise like walking is great post pardum to help lose the baby weight, and the fresh air will do you both good.  plus its nice to get out of the house.

hopefully those tips can help you through this post pardum time, they have helped me when things started to feel overwhelming.  and remember, stay f!erce mamas!

diva for delivery!

so its been awhile since i blogged but i got a good exscuse for my absence, i had my baby!!  and since this is more of a beauty blog and not a parenting blog i wont go into to much birth story detail.  however i wanted to share a funny picture of me laying in my hospital bed, having contractions, while touching up my make up.  yup, i had the makeup bag close by because i was gonna be "a diva for delivery".

thank god for epidurals! hahahaha! anyway, after 22 hours of labour and 15 minutes of active labour (pushing) skylar lillian foster came into the world at 7:47 am on april 29 a healthy 8 lbs. 7 oz and 21.5 in long. its been 3 weeks filled with ups and downs but we are doing well.  i will continue to share beauty and fashion tips /reviews, in between feedings and naptimes =).  until then, stay f!erce mamas!